How to take professional photos from your mobile - Detailed Tutorial


The technology is changing very fast. The mobile cameras are getting better and better. Now a days, it is possible to get photos which are very close to professional quality with your mobile. 

We'll doing these shots step by step in this tutorial:

These are straight from the mobile and no editing done. We’ll not be using any professional photography equipment to get these result.

Let's begin and see how to get pro quality photos. 

Step 1:

Lets shoot the objects in available light. Here are shots:

This is the common mistake we all do. We shoot indoors with the available light, which most of the times is very less to get good quality photo. Check the quality at 100% (actual size) on the right side. It is really bad.

Step 2:

Lets go outdoors and check in sunlight.

Here two shots done outdoors under direct sunlight. A little better than what it was indoors. Check the quality at 100% size, it is better than what was done indoors. But the light is harsh on the subject and the shadow doesn’t look good at all.

Step 3: 
Lets get rid of the shadows and harsh reflections on the subject. Will be blocking the sunlight with a white paper. As you can see in the image I've used a white paper to avoid sunlight hitting the object directly.

Check the quality now. Much better from where we started. And you can see the shadows have reduced to a great extent below the subject and on the subject.

Step 5:

We are very close to the desired look. Just need to add a better background now to enhance overall aesthetic of the image. You can use papers, wood, acrylic sheet... be creative with this part. But make sure it doesn't overpower your main subject. Do not clutter the background, it'll effect the main subject. You can use stark colours also, depending on what your subject is and how to want to show your subject.

Here the final images cropped at 100% to show quality:

Here are the final images:

All the images are shot on Mi Max.


